Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Our Dog Gives her Milk to Kittens

We see photos of dogs and cats playing or sleeping together, not fighting as often stereotyped. See here, Dogs, Cats and Harmony. Well, one of our dogs in the farm caretaker's house whose puppies we separated from her to be the new guard dogs in the farm, would allow kittens to get milk from her.

Her name is "Jenny white" or Elle Marie would call her as "Requel" when the dog was still young. Jenny white has another sibling, color black, we called her "Jenny black", who was guarding the farm. Jenny black died of a particular disease several months ago.

Danny, our part time caretaker, got two kittens, newly separated from their mother and are still sucking milk. Jenny white would give them her milk.

The two puppies stayed in our house in Makati for about two months. Their mother, Jenny, was a hunter dog in the farm.  When she was alive, she would hunt and catch different birds, monitor lizards ("bayawak"), wild turtles in the creek, small snakes.

The two puppies were getting noisy in our house, I brought them to the farm. Danny got the white, Nong Endring got the black.

When the puppies were just about 5-6 weeks old, I brought them from the farm to our house in Makati. Elle  Marie was very happy with her new puppies. Photos taken May 02, 2013. 

Until now, Elle would ask me to give her new puppies. I am hesitant because we did not have any house helper for the past nine months. There's a new helper but may not stay long too.

I explain to Elle that the puppies might get dirty and the house will also get dirty, if there is no one to clean them regularly.

Anyway, Jenny white is a kind and gentle pet to share her milk even to cats. 

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