Saturday, April 11, 2020

Math with the witch, wand and broom

I got this from a friend, Noel Nieva. Really funny and a bit mind- or eyes-twisting, so you should zoom into each item. I posted it in my fb wall with this Spoiler -- that I will delete the correct answer and will pm guys who answered correctly.

If you have not encountered this before or know the answer before, go!


3 Clues:
Equation 1: the witch is holding 2 things,
Equation 3: there are actually 4 brooms.
Equation 4: there are actually 2 wands :-)

Most of my friends answered 32, wrong. 

Ok, here's the answer: 

Witch with wand and broom = 15
Witch without wand and broom = 15-7-3 = 5
Wand = 21/3 = 7
Broom = 12/4 = 3
Eqn 4: broom + witch w/o W&B x (2 wands), notice the double/shadow.
= 3 + 5 x (7x2) = 3 + (5 x 14)
= 3 + 70 = 73.

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