Thursday, July 29, 2021

My US trip two years ago

Yesterday, these photos popped in my fb feed, about my few side trips after attending a climate-energy conference in Washington DC sponsored by the Heartland Institute.

July 28, 2019, lunch with Lorenzo Montanari and Chris Butler of the Americans for Tax Reforms (ATR), in a resto few blocks from their office.

After lunch I met with Wolfgang Mueller of EIKE, European Institute for Climate and Energy, based in Germany. Wolfgang also attended the Heartland conference. We have coffee at the Chinatown in DC.

The next day, Wolfgang and I attended the barbeque party of Tim Andrews, formerly with the Australia Taxpayers Alliance (ATA) then migrated to the US, with the US Taxpayers Alliance. He moved to another free market NGO. And Dr Pat Michaels of Cato was also there. Pat was one of the speakers in the conference two days earlier. He's a famous meteorologist and climatologist.

From left: me, Tim, Pat, Wolfgang. Filipino, Australian, American, German :-)

After that I visited an old and dear friend, Jo Kwong, formerly with Atlas Foundation, moved to the Philantrophy Roundtable, also in DC. Jo is very nice to me, she raised funds to sponsor my trip to Atlas conferences in 2008 (Atlanta) and 2009 (March in LA, November in DC). In 2010 she resigned from Atlas and Atlas has stopped sponsoring me too.

Jo is Chinese-American. Jo and her very supportive hubby.

Thank you Lorenzo, Chris, Wolfgang, Tim, Jo.

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