Tuesday, October 27, 2015

TSAA Entrep Day, Part 2

After the dance show by different classes....

Cameras and cell phones out. Pictures with the Kinder 1 kids.

The bazaar begins. The kids assisted by their teachers and parents sell these food, drinks, some souvenir items. The Nursery classroom.

The Kinder 2 classroom. Bien, Miggy and Kyle holding their paper money, watching some souvenir items for sale. They were also selling kebab, pita pocket, brewed coffee.

The paper money that day. Parents, guardians, exchange their real money for these, which are used to buy items.

Grades 1-2 kids were selling cakes, brownies, salad, other items.

Grades 3-4 were selling cupcakes, pizza, others. Elle Marie watching the items, behind her is Teacher Hannie.

Mark and Joseph taking orders for pizza.

 The inflated tent with slide was a hit to the kids.

All photos above from Audie Gemora's fb album.

These 2 photos from K2 Teacher V's fb page.

Clockwise from the top: Teacher V, Zac, Miggy, Pollux and Bien. Kyle and Agatha have not arrived yet when this photo was taken.

Got this from Marco Garcia, dad of Miggy (in green). Kyle (in red) and Jac (in blue) looking serious :-) Nice shot p're.

Thanks again to TSAA for that wonderful morning of dances and entrepreneurial skills implanted with the kids.

See also:

TSAA's Family Day, September 13, 2014

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